Starting a School Book Club

School Book Club

A school book club is a great way to encourage children to read for fun.

At school, teachers often find themselves searching for ways to make reading enjoyable. Between homework and class discussions, some students may feel reading feels more like work than entertainment.

A book club at school can help bring fun into reading for students of all ages.

A school-based book club should be fun and voluntary. Students should have the opportunity to decide who will be in their book club, what they will read, and when they will meet to discuss their books.

Children can be encouraged to form groups based on similar interests, such as:

  • Basketball
  • American Girls
  • Nancy Drew mysteries
  • Harry Potter books
  • Horses
  • Anything else they can dream up

Student book clubs can meet more often than adult book clubs. For example, students might meet once a week to discuss a portion of the book they are reading and decide how much of the book they will read next week.

Meetings can happen right after school, during recess, during lunch, or during free reading time (with the teacher's permission).

Though book clubs at school should be primarily organized and driven by the students, adults are still needed to help the kids get organized. Teachers or involved parents can help their kids get started with a book club.

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